Sometimes it is useful to access a machine booted with a sysresccd from another computer, for example to be able to open several terminal windows next to each other, or to be able to work from somewhere else (with a laptop on the couch for example ). Assuming the computer in question has a network connection, this is easily achieved:
Step 1: Set up networking
I am assuming the PC uses eth0 for the connection.
- via DHCP:
dhclient eth0
- or manually (assuming your network is
# set IP address ifconfig eth0 netmask # Optionally, for internet access from that # machine, configure a default gateway route add default gw
Step 2: Set a root password
Step 3: Connect
You can now connect to the computer like so:
you@yourmachine:~$ ssh root@
Some people searching for things like “system rescue cd root password” and “systemrescuecd ssh” find my blog, mainly because I once posted an article about ssh-ing to a PowerPC Mac running a System Rescue CD, so I thought let’s tell them what they search for
The new version of SystemRescue has a firewall which blocks SSH by default.
You can stop the firewall with systemctl stop iptables (or use nofirewall boot option).
Alternatively you can allow it with this rule
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
Edit: It’s –dport 22
Just wanted to say thank you